We meet the highest standards of widely understood design and other services.
In 1994, as the Company Design Office, we started to develop and implement the Quality Assurance System in accordance with the requirements of the international ISO 9001 standard. The implementation process was completed in August 1997 and since then the Quality Assurance System has been the company's basic management tool aimed at meeting the requirements and requirements. customer expectations. In December 1997, the Quality Assurance System obtained for the first time a certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 1994, issued by Bureau Veritas Ouality International.
In March 2003, the Quality Assurance System obtained for the first time a certificate of compliance with NATO requirements specified in AOAP2110, issued by the Department of Quality and Management Systems.
In 2010, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System was developed and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Polish PN-N 18001 standard. 28 December 2010. the system obtained a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the PN-N 18001 standard issued by Bureau Veritas Polska.
After the implementation, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System has been integrated with the Quality Management System and the systems function as an Integrated Quality and Health and Safety Management System.
In 2012, the integrated Management System was extended to include the requirements for environmental management in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard, creating the Integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management System.
In 2019, the Integrated Management System was extended to include NATO's requirements for quality assurance in design, development and production - AQAP 2110: 2016.
Currently, ORLEN Projekt provides engineering services in the broadly understood investment process. These are EPC (Engineering - Procurement - Construction) services. Therefore, they include the preparation of broadly understood design documentation, purchase of investment goods as well as the performance of construction and assembly works and the launch of investments. The service may be limited to selected stages of the investment process, depending on the client's wishes.
The Integrated Management System in force complies with the requirements of:
- ISO 9001: 2015 - "Quality management systems. Requirements",
- AQAP 2110: 2016 - "NATO Quality Assurance Requirements in Design, Development and Production",
- ISO 14001: 2015 - "Environmental management systems. Requirements and guidelines for use."
- PN-ISO 45001: 2018-06 - "Occupational health and safety management systems".
for the activity "Design, investment purchases, construction and commissioning management as well as project management in investment processes for the chemical and energy industries".
In 2020, due to the positive result of the audit carried out by the Military University of Technology. Jarosław Dąbrowski Quality Certification Center, ORLEN Projekt S.A. received a certificate confirming that the Company meets the requirements of the PN-ISO 45001: 2018-06 standard. During the audit, compliance with the requirements in the scope of standards and held certificates constituting the Integrated Management System was also confirmed.
Currently, ORLEN Projekt has the Integrated Management System certificates for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, AQAP 2110: 2016, ISO 14001: 2015, PN-ISO 45001: 2018-06 granted by the Quality Certification Center of the Military University of Technology.
ORLEN Projekt received the NATO Code of National Economy Entity - NCAGE 0906H - issued by the Military Center for Standardization, Quality and Codification. The NCAGE code identifies the ORLEN Projekt within the NATO Codification System and enables the provision of solutions for NATO structures.